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Coaching to Empower Genuine and Generous Leaders

Being a compassionate leader and people-focused problem solver makes you unique in a world where other qualities are often more loudly applauded.  But on the days when you are depleted from putting everyone else first, it is often hard to serve others because your well is simply dry. 

Perhaps you’re a leader who wants to better connect with the people you lead so you can truly unlock their potential.  Maybe you want to build a more equitable and inclusive team, resolve conflict more effectively, improve your time management skills, or unearth a greater sense of purpose for yourself and those you lead.

Or perhaps you are a soul sourced leader who is battling the little voice inside your head telling you that you should be doing more, making more, being more.  The voice that expects perfection and excellence in all aspects of your life. All. The. Time. The one that believes failure is a fault. The voice that makes you feel like an imposter or question whether you will be accepted at work or at home if you are truly and authentically yourself.

I empower mid-career leaders like you who want to lead lives of intention and who also want to navigate career transitions and other challenges with resilience, confidence, and authenticity. I do not believe you have to choose whether to lead with your head or your heart, and in fact, I believe learning to do both is a superpower.

Who says you can’t lead with your head and your heart?

Who I coach


"If you do anything to invest in yourself this year, trust me and hire Whitney Marshall as your certified coach! Whitney is a masterful listener who will go above and beyond to understand your biggest dreams and needs and offer life-changing insights to support you in your path to fulfill them! I worked with Whitney at a crossroads in my career and experienced incredible breakthroughs as result of her coaching that will benefit me both personally and professionally. She has an incredible disposition and intelligence as well as an incredible ability to articulate recommendations and perceptions clearly. I cannot recommend her enough and encourage anyone interested in shifting their life for the better to work with her." 

Rachel S.,
Vice President

What will you gain from coaching?

  • Heightened self-awareness and self-confidence


  • Improved ability to manage conflict and change


  • Renewed passion and clarity of vision


  • More effective interpersonal communication skills


  • Increased capacity to inspire and unlock the potential of your team

  • Strengthened ability to plan, prioritize and execute


  • Greater courage to lead vulnerably and authentically


  • Enhanced communication with key stakeholders


  • More time to focus on your goals and dreams


  • Opportunity to identify and remove barriers to your success

“There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have.” 

- Howard Thurman

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